Concepts of Patanjali Yog Sutras-Fundamentals of YOG.(image credit-Image

#patanjali yogsutra,#pranayam,#asan,


#international yoga day

I want to know God’s thoughts……..the rest are details.
– Albert Einstein
The western world came to know about Indian Yoga, yogis, and great saints when British journalist Paul Brunton for the first time published his book “In quest of secret India”, where he meets many Indian yogis and great saints and have taken a deep interest in Indian yoga philosophy. From that, onwards many countries of the world have started in-depth medical and scientific research in this field and published and documented various advantages of yoga for human health.
Today many people join yoga and meditation classes but they don’t get results. Many coaching classes are mushroom up during vacations and holidays. They don’t get peace of mind and feel relaxed after attending such sessions. Then they switch over to other classes and teachers and finally, they don’t get satisfactory results what happens ultimately, in the long run,s that people lose confidence and faith in this system of yoga philosophy.



The main and strong reason for failure in meditation is that people don’t follow the basic steps of the Patangali yoga sutra. Accor to do the other Patangali yoga sutra “Meditation” is step No. 7 in yoga philosophy. When schoolboy of the seventh standard cannot be taught calculus of twelfth class. In the same way, newcomers in yoga philosophy cannot be directly taught meditation. Those who want systemic progress in yoga science must begin their journey from fundamental steps of Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhayan, and finally samadhi. Now I will try to explain each step with its meaning in detail.

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A man is a bundle of thought and these thoughts are reflected in his behavior, attitude, personality, and how he treats other human beings especially his subordinates. The concept of the Yog sutra is to move from the journey of the outer materialistic world to the inner world of silence and peace. It’s a journey from consciousness to superconsciousness. It’s traveling from thoughtfulness to thoughtlessness and increasing self-awareness.
The mind is a collection of thoughts. So as long as thought exist, the mind exists. But when the thought stops, the mind dissolves. Patanjali described this state as a state of super-consciousness. What remains is pure consciousness without any disturbance, activity, or impurity. This cannot be understood by the mind because it is a state beyond the mind. It is the goal of all yoga practice, and it is the final goal of life.
For purification of mind, body, and soul the Indian great sage Patanjali advocated 8 steps for reaching from consciousness to superconsciousness. Application of these fundamentals is most essential in life for the one who wants to progress in yoga. These 8 limbs of yoga are also known as Astanga Yoga.
1. YAM

We will try to understand the meaning of each step of the patangali yoga sutra.
1.YAM (RESTRAINTS) -The meaning of yam in vernacular language is “ Nigahra”.In English difficult to find the exact word the but word near it is “RESTRAINTS”.There are 5 types of YAM and they are
1. Aahinshya-The absolute meaning of this is “Non-violence”. Its means that we should not harm others using our mind (thought), Speech, and our Actionactionsa). when you study the life history of Indian yogis, you will notice one specific feature in their worship was that many times they encountered many wild animals like lions, snakes, etc during their Sadhana*( spiritual practice of meditation in the jungle) in the forest or jungle. But none of the wild animals have ever targeted these saints in their journey to eternal peace. Patanjali in his yoga sutra mentioned that “The Yogi who completely Practice Non-violence in their life have developed such characteristics and features that persons, animals who are having adverse nature become non-violent and cooperative.” e.g. Many Indian sages, saints, and yogis were many times encountered by snakes and lion during meditation; but none of the wild animals have ever harmed them.
2. Satya- (truthfulness) (The power of Truth)
3. Asteya- (Non-stealing)
4. Brahmacharya- (continence) (Practice of Celibacy) lit. “Walking the path of the God”; control of sexual passion; control of vital energy; preservation of vital fluid.
5. Aparigraha- ( Non-possessiveness, on-greed, on-hoarding)

2. NIYAM- (OBSERVANCES) -There are 5 Niyams
1. Socch- purity of action, speech, mind
2. Santosh- (self-satisfaction)
3. Tap- Austerity, discipline
4. Swadhaya- self-study, the study of scriptures
5. Ishvara pranidhana -surrender to GOD, one of the methods of kriya yoga, a method to attain Samadhi)






8. SAMADHI (SUPERCONSCIOUNESS)-super-consciousness, super-conscious absorption; trance
Some of the important keynotes
• Today to pay deep tribute and for eternal remembrance of Great sage Maharshi Patanjali world is celebrating “international YOGA day on 21 June” to make aware the people regarding the importance of yoga in day to day life and stress management.

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• The most challenging part of yoga philosophy is that it is a difficult and next to impossible task to get an experienced siddh yogi to guide you on this path because once the serpent energy (kundalini shakti) becomes awakened it must be channelized upward to all chakras in the proper direction. Although difficult to get real guru but still they are there for true and dedicated followers or discipline.
• The Real siddhi yogis and masters of yoga never highlight themselves. They work silently and most of the time they are away from the public and publicity and don’t have any personal and professional aspirations and don’t work for commercial gains.
• To keep the body healthy and for spiritual upliftment, yoga has a marvelous and powerful role, so start learning and practicing Yoga under the guidance of an experienced yogi.
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Published by Dr. Prakash ✍

"Once you realize that all life experiences are meant for the evolution of your consciousness, then all the ups and downs of life can be seen as blessings." - Unknown Hi, I am Dr Prakash, Researcher/Mentor/Doctor/Medical Teacher/Professional writer/ Public health expert and Presently working as faculty at B.J. Medical college, civil hospital, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India as a lecturer in Public health. (Ex. Assistant Professor, Government medical college, Surat.Ex.Insurance medical officer, Halol.Ex.Medical officer, PHC vadgam, Cambay. Dear friends, a warm welcome to my blogging site. My write up, article, case studies, thoughts of the day, Personel and Professional experience blends of Inspiration, Motivation, Education, self-help, philosophy, spirituality, Human Resource Management and Behaviour science with the insight of the eastern world of wisdom with latest updates from western science. You are invited to have a look at my various articles and post. THANK YOU AND HAVE A NICE DAY. Dr Prakash ❤️

12 thoughts on “Concepts of Patanjali Yog Sutras-Fundamentals of YOG.(image credit-Image

  1. Great insights. Thank you for your post. Another way to make meditation effective is to bring reverence and devotion to the practice. Devotion is not something that can be taught. Devotion is light a fire that is lit within the seeker by being in the company of other seekers who are also in devotion. Many blessings to you on your journey.

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